What to Do When You Need to Reschedule an Interview

Hi friend,

Sometimes things happen in your personal life or in the world that make it hard to do your best during an interview. Whether it’s an act of racism or sexual harassment, a global pandemic, an illness, or a family member getting laid off, there are plenty of reasons why you may be too distracted for a job interview. It’s hard to smile, be engaged, and put together thoughtful responses to interview questions on the fly if you’re feeling angry, sad, or overwhelmed. So— I’m here to tell you, it’s okay to cancel or reschedule your interview. Here’s how to cancel or reschedule your interview without ruining your chances of getting the job:

Emphasize your interest in the company or role, and your desire to do well during the interview:

Dear Ethan,

I want to reiterate how excited I am about the Marketing Coordinator role and the opportunity to meet the team; this seems like the perfect position for me and I want to be my absolute best for the interview.

Explain why you need to cancel or reschedule the interview without going into detail:

Unfortunately, I’m feeling really upset and distracted after a situation that happened to me yesterday evening at the store. I’m alright, but I know I won’t be able to focus and demonstrate what I’m capable of during our call this afternoon.

Be considerate and empathetic towards the hiring team:

I know this is very short notice, and I’m sorry for an inconvenience this may cause for you today or for the hiring process over all.

Clarify what you are asking for:

I expect I’ll be feeling back to my normal self in a few days. Would we be able to reschedule the interview for next Monday afternoon?

Thanks again for understanding,


What if you’re not sure when you’ll be ready to interview again? I have interacted with a few candidates who had something so traumatic happen in their personal lives that they were not sure when they would be able to interview again. It’s okay to say something like this in that situation:

As you can imagine I am overwhelmed right now, and I’m not sure when I would be able to continue interviewing. I’ll be in touch when this is resolved and I’m available to interview again. If you’re still looking, I would love to move forward at that time, but I understand you need to continue with the hiring process and may find someone before then.

Even if months have gone by, make sure to reach out down the road to thank them for understanding. They will appreciate your professionalism and follow up, and may be able to discuss a new opening or let you know about positions within their network.

What if this hurts your chances of getting hired? Then you don’t want to work there. Trust me.

Stay safe and take good care of yourself today.



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